Support during Lockdown
As we enter the 4th week of our country-wide lockdown, I sincerely hope that everyone is coping as best they can, staying safe and coming to terms with working from home!
To all our clients in South Africa, we truly value your support and business and look forward to continue assisting you in the months and years to come. The COVID 19 crisis has certainly put pressure on our economy but the government, and various other bodies, have instituted a number of funds to assist companies who will be in need of financial support over the coming months. Companies who qualify for assistance must fall within a list of requirements, depending on the fund one seeks assistance from. Bearing this in mind, recently we’ve had a number of requests from companies to assist us in securing or improving their BEE certificate. If this is something that might be of interest to you, then please do no hesitate to get in touch with our team of legal experts who can advise you on the best possible way forward. Otherwise the team at EconoBEE sincerely wishes everyone the best over the coming weeks and months.