Employment Equity Compliance vs Government Business
A new amendment to the Employment Equity Act will have serious implications for companies who plan to do business with government going forward. In terms of section 53 of the Amendment Act, measured entities will be issued with a compliance certificate for Employment Equity which is valid for a period of twelve months from the date of issue. The EE compliance certificate will be a prerequisite for access to contracts with the State and any of its organs; it will therefore be impossible for companies to do business with the government going forward without this certificate. In terms of proposed Employment Equity amendments, the criterion for non-designated employers is to comply with the national minimum wage or prove that they have been granted exemption and have no CCMA unfair discrimination awards against them. The criteria for designated employers will be to submit annual Employment Equity Reports, comply with the national minimum wage or prove that they have been granted exemption not to pay the national minimum wage, comply with their own annual Employment Equity targets and work towards the five-year sector specific Employment Equity targets. Please feel free to reach out to us on 011 483 1190 or info@econobee.co.za if you would like to hear more.