Are you a Designated Employer and have to submit your Employment Equity Forms?
Are you uncertain as to whether you are required, by law, to submit your employment equity forms? The submission window to submit your employment equity forms opens up on the 1st of September 2021. What is the current definition of a designated employer?
All designated employers must submit their employment equity reports every year. If you qualify as a Designated Employer and either: Supply incorrect information, do not comply with the Employment Equity Act requirements, or do not submit the documents on time, then the following could occur:
- An employer who employs 50 or more employees,
- Or an employer who employs fewer than 50 employees, but has a total annual turnover as reflected in Schedule 4 of the Employment Equity Amendment Act No. 47 of 2013.
- Municipalities and organs of State
- Employers can also volunteer to become designated employers in terms of section 14 of the EE Act.
Sector or subsectors in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification | Total Annual Turnover |
Agriculture | R6,00 million |
Mining and Quarrying | R22,50 million |
Manufacturing | R30,00 million |
Electricity, Gas and Water | R30.00 million |
Construction | R15,00 million |
Retail and Motor Trade and Repair Services | R45,00 million |
Wholesale Trade, Commercial Agents and Allied Services | R75,00 million |
Catering, Accommodation and other Trade | R15,00 million |
Transport, Storage and Communications | R30,00 million |
Finance and Business Services | R30,00 million |
Community, Special and Personal Services | R15,00 million |
- You may be fined heavily by the DoL – up to 10% of turnover depending on the severity of contravention.
- The DoL may visit you and do a full audit on your company.