Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) compliance is a process and should be viewed long-term as opposed to a short-term once off event. At EconoBEE, we offer various solutions to assist clients to achieve a compliant BEE Status. This document seeks to provide an in-depth explanation as to how the process of implementing B-BBEE Procurement for your organisation will be rolled out. The Problem! BEE Procurement consumes a considerable amount of time and resources. It needs a strategy planned with commercial logic, which is then properly implemented and monitored in a way that makes complete business sense. Choosing an appropriate supplier or encouraging existing suppliers to become compliant is a sophisticated endeavour requiring knowledge and familiarity with the minute intricacies of the B-BBEE Act and Codes of Good Practice. The false hope in many companies expecting their suppliers to be compliant is a major stumbling block. However, as with all aspects of B-BBEE continuous work throughout the year will ensure the status of all suppliers is known at any point in time thus making the decision making process easier and quicker for management.   Salient Tasks and Strategic approach  Plan of Action EconoBEE’s BEE Procured Managed Service offers a high quality streamlined step-by-step approach to achieving the best results on Preferential Procurement. These 10 steps form the foundation for future development and improvement on your BEE Procurement while ensuring optimal success is reached from the start. 1) Communicating with company procurement representatives – We will assist your procurement staff to understand what is required of them and prepare accurate supplier data lists. 2) Capture data – Once we have an accurate and complete list of suppliers we will capture each supplier onto BEE Procured which will allow each customer to track the progress. 3) Permanently link suppliers to a BEE Certificate – Every supplier will be “Linked” to a company in our database. If they are compliant you will receive instant recognition.  4) Contact List – We will prepare a list of all suppliers who need contacting. For this step to work effectively we will need all contact details for the supplier which will include Full Name, Telephone, Fax, Email etc… 5) Contacting Suppliers – We will start contacting all suppliers on our system who do not have a valid BEE status. This will be in the form of email and/or telephone. We will request assistance from the client in making contact with some suppliers that may not be prepared to supply their details to us or become compliant.  6) Collating BEE Scorecards – Throughout the process, we will receive scorecard information from suppliers. This data will be captured into our database and immediately allocated to your procurement score.  7) Contact Follow Up – If after a reasonable amount of time the supplier has not responded we will make contact with the supplier again. 8) Report – We compile regular reports, showing points, shortfalls, strategy to improve. 9) Supplier day – we organise supplier days at our conference centre to educate suppliers and encourage them to become compliant. This works in conjunction with your enterprise and supplier development goals. 10) Assist with verification – prepare all procurement documents and certificates for the verification process.